Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - Bruscolini Abbrustoliti
Happy Halloween! Buon Halloween! I hope you all had fun carving your pumpkins! Today we're going to take those pumpkin guts and turn them into a delicious healthy snack! Spero che vi siete divertiti a fare i jack-o-lantern! Oggi prenderemo quelle viscere della zucca e ne faremo uscire uno snack buonissimo e pure sano! First of all once you finish your jack-o-lantern you have to sift threw the guts and slime and pull out all the seeds. This is a lot less fun than it looks an di even than it sounds. Some kids enjoy the sensory stimulation, some DO NOT, when I was a preschool teacher every time we did finger painting there was this one little girl who would gag EVERY TIME! If your kid is one of those poor unfortunate souls don't torture them, just do the dirty work yourself! My kiddo would have died to dig her grubby little hands into those guts but to spare the kitchen and walls (and probably the dog), I flew solo on this mission. Per prima...