Food Printing Math Game - Gioco di Matematica con gli stampi di cibi
Hi Everyone!
Most of you probably know that Italy is on lockdown because of the Coronavirus, schools are closed and whoever is able to is invited to work from home. My 6yo is accustomed to long days of school with after school activities 3 days a week. This means that our home is currently occupied by a rabid monster between the hours of 5 and 9pm. Not to mention that my toddler is not the kind to just sit around and wait patiently for his turn to destroy his surroundings.
I have been trying my best to come up with some fun activities for them to do that will allow them to express their creativity and be stimulating both for their senses and their brains since she is missing out on precious learning.
Day 1 - Food Printing (suitable for toddler age children)
For this craft you will need:
Watercolor paper (bristol board or other thick paper will be fine)
Non-Toxic school paints
Food of choice for stamps
We decided to use a lemon, an orange, and an apple; but you could use any number of foods here. I am personally partial to printing with celery as it makes a perfect rose, a pepper will make a clover shape, and a potato can be shaped into anything you want.
We sliced the apple in half horizontally to reveal the star shape in the center of the core. We sliced the lemon and the orange in half, then one of those halves in half, and one of those halves in half. You end up with one 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8.
The celery you cut off the root in one piece relatively higher up on the stalk than you normally would for cooking.
The pepper should be cut horizontally and emptied.
Fill a flat container with non-toxic school paint. You don't need an awesome paint tray like mine but if you want one, it is the bottom of a detergent bottle glued to two chopsticks for a better hold.
Here we started with yellow and then added the other primary colors one at a time, but color is up to the you and the tiny artists.
I taped down one page for each of them and then replaced them as they got full, You could do one long sheet or several sheets and have your child walk around the table.
The variety of sizes and shapes is what gives this craft longevity, if you use only one shape it will quickly turn into a mess because the smooshing and smudging will be more exciting than the stamping. I love a good smooshing craft but paint clean-up is not for everyone, and that's ok.
Day 2 - the Math Game (Addition, Subtraction, Greater than/Lass than/Equal to)
I set the pages to dry and I cut out a few of the shapes for our game. In all honesty I made my own page of stamps specifically for this purpose because a) I couldn't bring myself to cut up their crafts and b) theirs were not quite as fastidious as they needed to be for these game pieces.
After cutting out the shapes we laid them out and I asked her to count them all. Then we counted how many were whole, how many are in half, how many were small pieces. If you do a variety of colors you can group them by color or primary vs secondary colors and so on. This is a really handy game because they can basically do the whole thing by themselves, but the fact that we have to ask them the questions allows us to participate in their game while doing some of our boring adulting. It gives them confidence in their Math skills, increases spatial awareness, and creativity at the same time.
Day 2 - Math Game with Fractions
The fractions game is basically the same as above but you can compare the pieces and see how many 1/2s make a whole, how many 1/4s make a whole, if I give you one half, how many other pieces can you use to make a whole? The options are many and it is a fun way of approaching a subject that can be pretty confusing.
Bonus Spelling Game
My big kid is learning how to read and write so we also have been using these to spell a variety of words: half, lemon, orange, apple, star, etc.
Ciao a tutti!
Most of you probably know that Italy is on lockdown because of the Coronavirus, schools are closed and whoever is able to is invited to work from home. My 6yo is accustomed to long days of school with after school activities 3 days a week. This means that our home is currently occupied by a rabid monster between the hours of 5 and 9pm. Not to mention that my toddler is not the kind to just sit around and wait patiently for his turn to destroy his surroundings.
La maggior parte di voi saprà già che l'Italia è stata chiusa per il Coronavirus, le scuole sono chiuse e chiunque può è invitato a lavorare da casa. Mia figlia è abituata a lunghe giornate a scuola con le attività extra-scolastiche tre volte a settimana. Questo significa che verso le 17 comincia l'ora del delirio a casa nostra. Per non parlare del piccolo che non è proprio il tipo da stare lì buono ad aspettare il suo turno per smontare casa.
I have been trying my best to come up with some fun activities for them to do that will allow them to express their creativity and be stimulating both for their senses and their brains since she is missing out on precious learning.
Cerco tutti i giorni di trovare dei laboratori che possano tenerli stimolati in questi giorni, che possano stimolare sia la creatività che l'intelletto, visto che saltano un mese di scuola.
Day 1 - Food Printing (suitable for toddler age children)
Giorno 1 - Stampi di cibo
For this craft you will need:
Watercolor paper (bristol board or other thick paper will be fine)
Non-Toxic school paints
Food of choice for stamps
Per questo laboratorio vi serviranno:
Carta da acquarelli (anche del cartoncino o altra carta spessa e rigida funzionerebbe)
Colori non-tossici
Cibi da usare come stampi
We decided to use a lemon, an orange, and an apple; but you could use any number of foods here. I am personally partial to printing with celery as it makes a perfect rose, a pepper will make a clover shape, and a potato can be shaped into anything you want.
Noi abbiamo usato un limone, un arancio e una mela; ma si possono usare innumerevoli cibi. Personalmente sono parziale verso i cuori di sedano che fanno una rosa perfetta, ma un peperone fa una quadrifoglio e la patata può diventare qualsiasi forma volete.
We sliced the apple in half horizontally to reveal the star shape in the center of the core. We sliced the lemon and the orange in half, then one of those halves in half, and one of those halves in half. You end up with one 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8.
Abbiamo tagliato la mela per orizzontale in modo da avere la stella al centro. L'arancio e il limone li abbiamo tagliati a metà, poi uno di quei pezzi lo abbiamo tagliato a metà e uno di quei pezzi lo abbiamo tagliato a metà. In fine si ottengono 1/2, 1/4 e 1/8.
The celery you cut off the root in one piece relatively higher up on the stalk than you normally would for cooking.
Il sedano si taglia la radice del cuore intero, più in alto sul gambo di quanto si farebbe per cucinarci.
The pepper should be cut horizontally and emptied.
Il peperone si taglia per orizzontale e si svuota.
Fill a flat container with non-toxic school paint. You don't need an awesome paint tray like mine but if you want one, it is the bottom of a detergent bottle glued to two chopsticks for a better hold.
Mettete del colore non-tossico in un contenitore piatto. Non serve averne uno così bello come il mio ma se lo volete, è il sotto di una bottiglia di detersivo incollato a delle bacchette di legno per poterlo fissare meglio al tavolo.
Here we started with yellow and then added the other primary colors one at a time, but color is up to the you and the tiny artists.
Noi abbiamo iniziato con il giallo e aggiunto piano piano gli altri colori primari, ma la scelta dei colori sta a voi e i vostri piccoli artisti.
I taped down one page for each of them and then replaced them as they got full, You could do one long sheet or several sheets and have your child walk around the table.
Io ho fissato con del nastro carta adesivo, un foglio di carta per ciascuno, ma se ne può fissare un foglio lungo oppure più fogli sul tavolo e chiedere ai propri piccoli di muoversi intorno al tavolo.
The variety of sizes and shapes is what gives this craft longevity, if you use only one shape it will quickly turn into a mess because the smooshing and smudging will be more exciting than the stamping. I love a good smooshing craft but paint clean-up is not for everyone, and that's ok.
La varietà di misure e forme fa durare di più questo laboratorio, se hanno solo uno stampo dopo un po' diventa pi`¨interessante schiacciare e squisciare piuttosto che stampare. A me piacciono molto i laboratori squisciosi ma l'arte di ripulire la tempera non è per tutti, e va been così.
Day 2 - the Math Game (Addition, Subtraction, Greater than/Lass than/Equal to)
Giorno 2 - il gioco di Matematica ( Addizione, Sottrazione, Maggiore/Minore/Uguale)
I set the pages to dry and I cut out a few of the shapes for our game. In all honesty I made my own page of stamps specifically for this purpose because a) I couldn't bring myself to cut up their crafts and b) theirs were not quite as fastidious as they needed to be for these game pieces.
Ho fatto asciugare i fogli e ho ritagliato le forme per il nostro gioco. In tutta onestà per i pezzi da gioco ho fotto un fogli di stampi da sola perché a) non ce la facevo a tagliare le loro opere d'arte e b) i loro stampi non erano proprio così perfettamente intatte come era necessario per il gioco.
After cutting out the shapes we laid them out and I asked her to count them all. Then we counted how many were whole, how many are in half, how many were small pieces. If you do a variety of colors you can group them by color or primary vs secondary colors and so on. This is a really handy game because they can basically do the whole thing by themselves, but the fact that we have to ask them the questions allows us to participate in their game while doing some of our boring adulting. It gives them confidence in their Math skills, increases spatial awareness, and creativity at the same time.
Dopo aver ritagliato i pezzi, li abbiamo stesi e le ho chiesto di contarli tutti, poi ti contare quanti di questi erano interi, quanti a metà, quanti piccoli piccoli. Se si fanno tanti colori si possono raggruppare per colore o quali sono colori primari rispetto ai secondari e così via. Questo gioco è molto utile perché anche se loro fanno tutto da soli, siccome siamo noi a fare le domande possiamo partecipare al loro gioco anche mentre facciamo i nostri noiosissimi doveri da adulti. Questo gioco aiuta le abilità matematiche, la relazione allo spazio e la creatività tutto insieme.
Day 2 - Math Game with Fractions
Giorno 2 - Gioco di Matematica con le Frazioni
The fractions game is basically the same as above but you can compare the pieces and see how many 1/2s make a whole, how many 1/4s make a whole, if I give you one half, how many other pieces can you use to make a whole? The options are many and it is a fun way of approaching a subject that can be pretty confusing.
Il gioco delle frazioni è praticamente uguale al gioco di sopra solo che cambiano le domande. Si paragonano i pezzi chiedendo quanti pezzi mostrano 1/2, quanti 1/4, quante metà ci vogliono per farne uno interno, quanti quarti, se questa è una metà quanti quarti servono per fare uno intero? Le possibilità sono moltissime ed è un modo divertente per affrontare quello che può essere un argomento piuttosto difficile da comprendere.
Bonus Spelling Game
Bonus Gioco dello Spelling
My big kid is learning how to read and write so we also have been using these to spell a variety of words: half, lemon, orange, apple, star, etc.
La mia grande sta imparando a leggere e scrivere quindi noi abbiamo sfruttato questo gioco anche per imparare a scrivere varie parole: metà, limone, arancia, mela, stella, ecc.
Haha! Love these