Egg Wreaths - Ghirlande di uova
Happy Easter!
We took our potato eggs and added in some collage eggs and egg cut-outs to make some very cute egg wreaths.
For this craft you will need:
A sheet of paper
A pencil
A bowl
A jar lid
First trace the bowl and trace the lid in the center.
We cut out the circle and then cut out the circle in the center. The best way to do the center, if you don't have an X-Acto knife, is to bend the paper and make a cut across it.
For my son I put a continuous line of glue around the wreath and he pasted the eggs on himself. My daughter put the glue on the eggs and attached them to her wreath one at a time.
Buona Pasqua!
We took our potato eggs and added in some collage eggs and egg cut-outs to make some very cute egg wreaths.
Abbiamo preso le uova di patate e ci abbiamo aggiunto delle uova collage e le uova ritagliate per fare queste ghirlande di uova carinissime.
For this craft you will need:
A sheet of paper
A pencil
A bowl
A jar lid
Per questo laboratorio vi serviranno:
Un foglio di carta
Una matita
Una ciotola
Il coperchio di un barattolo
First trace the bowl and trace the lid in the center.
Per prima cosa usate la ciotola per disegnare un cerchio grande e il coperchio di barattolo per il cerchio al centro.
We cut out the circle and then cut out the circle in the center. The best way to do the center, if you don't have an X-Acto knife, is to bend the paper and make a cut across it.
Abbiamo ritagliato il cerchio grande e poi quello in mezzo. Il modo più facile per tagliare il cerchio in mezzo, senza il taglierino, è di piegare il foglio e fare un taglio nel cerchio.
For my son I put a continuous line of glue around the wreath and he pasted the eggs on himself. My daughter put the glue on the eggs and attached them to her wreath one at a time.
Per mio figlio ho attaccato della colla su tutta la superficie e lui ha attaccato le uova che voleva attaccarci, mia figlia invece ha messo la colla sulle uova singole.
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